Hello, Good Morning: on the Philosophers' Way

Wed Oct 04, 2017Nature
Heidelberg, Germany

"Guten Morgen” rang out from one of the three older ladies who passed me by on an early morning walk on the Philosopher's Way. I can vividly remember feeling how friendly everyone was. This was the Germany I knew from years past.

For more than 250 years, Heidelberg's philosophers and university teachers have walked and talked along the "Philosophenweg" (Philosopher's Walk,) inspired by a beautiful view of Heidelberg.

Early Morning Walk on the Alte Brücke (Old Bridge).

The weather was cold, not yet freezing, but with a bite in the air. The previous evening a light rain fell, leaving walkways and steps still wet. It’s hard to imagine, that less than 48 hours before this I was in 100F heat in the desert near Phoenix; I hadn’t seen rain in months.

I had left my hotel in the Altstadt early in the morning, intending to get a view of the old city from a distance, to get a sense of how the Altstadt was laid out. What I found was more than a view that I sought, but also a feeling of warmth from the people I passed on the way. It was a memorable way to begin my trip to Germany.

Along the banks of the Neckar - Heidelberg, Germany
Fall Colors along the Neckar - Heidelberg, Germany

I began the walk by following the Neckar River, on the northern bank, after crossing the Alte Brücke following the road until I got to main streets of Neuenheim. From there, I followed the street signs and my map to the beginning of the Philosophenweg (Philosopher's Way).

Walk to Philosophers Way - Heidelberg, Germany

The path follows through a residential area, while climbing the side of the mountain. After a short distance, you leave the residential area and the path takes on a more park-like atmosphere.

Along the Philosopher's Way - Heidelberg, Germany
Along the Philosopher's Way - Heidelberg, Germany
Castle view along the Philosopher's Way - Heidelberg, Germany
Schlangenweg Trail back to the Altstadt - Heidelberg, Germany

The greeting I received stayed with me the rest of the day; I felt a sense of friendliness in it and couldn’t help but believe I would not have received such a greeting back in Arizona.